项目名称: 面向多层卷对卷印刷电子设备的精密对准技术研究
项目编号: No.51475017
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 机械、仪表工业
项目作者: 陈伟海
作者单位: 北京航空航天大学
项目金额: 84万元
中文摘要: 在深入分析了卷对卷印刷电子多层套准机理的基础上,针对现有卷对卷印刷电子设备在多层套准过程中由于存在滚筒动态跳动、张力分布不均,以及补偿系统带宽限制等缺陷,导致套准精度不高,造成器件印制图案的分辨率和精度不能满足市场要求的问题,提出了一种动-静转换策略和基于柔性机构的误差补偿方案,使得套准系统不仅能够避开滚筒高频跳动的问题,而且能有效地消除薄膜张力分布不均的现象。在此基础上,系统地开发了一套具有空间RCC特性的支撑机构及两套五自由度分布式柔性机构,完成了苛刻的多层精密套准任务。最终搭建了一套基于静态气浮滚筒、具有大范围自我容错功能的卷对卷印刷电子设备多层套准系统。项目的主要目标是通过我们具有特色的多层套准系统的研究,以求在精密机构设计与精密运动控制等关键技术上有所突破,为我国印刷电子设备套准系统的设计和开发提供理论与技术支持,为实现柔性电子器件制造的一致性与批量化打下良好的基础。
中文关键词: 印刷电子;卷对卷;精密对准;柔性机构;精密运动控制
英文摘要: Existing multilayer roll-to-roll (R2R) electronic printing processes have defects in terms of dynamic drum run-outs, uneven distribution of tension, and bandwidth limitations in the compensation system. These problems cause low over-layer registration accuracy, in turn resulting in the unacceptable resolution and fidelity of the printed patterns or devices. This project proposes a dynamic-static conversion strategy and a flexure-based error compensation method to dress these problems, based on in-depth analysis and study of the error sources and the overlay registration principles. The proposed solutions will make the registration alignment system not only avoid high-frequency drum dynamic issues, but also effectively eliminate the phenomenon of uneven distribution of web tension. On this basis, we will systematically develop a mechanism with characteristics of the spatial RCC to support the aerostatic drum and a 5-DOF compliant mechanism to drive the printing head. Eventually, a multilayer registration alignment system with a feature of errors self-accommodated will be built for the R2R electronic printing process based on a set of the aerostatic drums. With this platform, the strict task of precision multilayer registration alignment will be finally accomplished accordingly. The major objectives of the project are to achieve a breakthrough in key technologies of precision mechanism design and precision motion control through study of our innovative multi-layer registration alignment system, to provide theoretical and technical supports for the design and development of R2R electronic printing alignment equipment, and to lay a solid foundation for R2R mass-production and consistency of flexible electronic devices.
英文关键词: Printed electronics;Roll-to-roll;Precision registration;Compliant mechanism;Precision motion control