项目名称: 脂类组学解析植物膜脂分子组成及磷脂酶D对gamma辐射的响应
项目编号: No.30870571
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2009
项目学科: 生物科学
项目作者: 李唯奇
作者单位: 中国科学院昆明植物研究所
项目金额: 32万元
中文摘要: 该项目运用电喷雾离子化串联质谱(ESI-MS/MS)技术,解析了11类膜脂(包括6种磷脂,2种半乳糖甘油脂和3种溶血磷脂)的140种分子在不同剂量gamma射线处理不同时间后的详细变化样式。发现了:gamma射线可以诱导拟南芥的缓慢死亡,磷脂酶D在该胁迫下作用不显著,磷脂酶D突变体与野生型表型一致,拟南芥野生型WS抗性强于WT,160 Gy的伽玛射线处理下只有半数的拟南芥可以开花,高山植物对gamma辐照没有显著抗性;gamma辐照后植物的次生代谢产物发生显著的变化,同时辐照还诱导植物内源激素茉莉酸(JA)及吲哚乙酸(IAA)的变化;在其它如温度、干旱等非生物胁迫中磷脂酸(PA)及溶血磷脂(LysoPLs)会上升10多倍,而gamma辐照后这些脂类含量变化不大,说明该胁迫导致的脂类变化机制不同于其它非生物胁迫;gamma辐照诱导的植物衰老过程中,磷脂酰丝氨酸(PS)脂分子碳链长度随辐照后时间的增加而加长,说明PS碳链长短可能是植物衰老情况的一个表征。这些结果对于我们认识gamma辐照胁迫与其它非生物胁迫的不同机制具有重要的科学意义。
中文关键词: 膜脂;脂分子种类;磷脂酸;伽玛辐射;代谢组
英文摘要: We employed lipidomics, based on electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry, to profile the changes of 140 lipid molecular species, including 11 kinds of membrane lipdis (6 phospholipids, 2 galactolipids, and 3 lyso-phospholipids), in response to gamma irradiation.The results indicated that gamma irradiation treatment could induce guradual death of Arabidopsis and phospholipase Dδnd Dαplayed no obvious role in this process, WS was more resistant than WT to gamma irradiation and alpine plants were not resistant to gamma ray; there were significant change in metabolom and plant endogenous hormone in Arabidopsis under gamma ray treatment; unlike other abiotic stress, such as temperature and drought,under which treatment PA and LysoPLs could rise to ten fold, the content of PA and LysoPLs changed little under gamma irradiation; in the process of gamma irradiation induced Arabidopsis senescence, the acyl chain length of phosphatidylserine (PS) increase with the time after gamma irradiation induce, we hypothesized that the acyl chain length of PS may be a ruler for plant senescence. These evidences would contribute to understantding the mechanism of plants in response to gamma irradiaiton stress.
英文关键词: membrane lipids; lipid molecular species; phosphatidic acid; gamma irradiation; metabolomics