项目名称: 社会媒体中客户评论对消费者行为与企业销售的影响研究
项目编号: No.71301046
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 王晓琳
作者单位: 黑龙江科技大学
项目金额: 19万元
中文摘要: 本课题面向社会化媒体环境下电子商务的最新发展,探索在线UGC对消费者行为以及企业销售的影响。拟重点围绕以下两个方面的问题展开研究:1)通过技术导向的理论方法研究,提出采用LDA模型探索社会媒体中关联UGC数据挖掘方法,弥补现有研究空白;2)通过行为导向的实证研究,探索社会化媒体背景下的在线UGC对消费者行为的影响机制,商品类型、移动商务等在影响过程中的调节作用,并针对社会化媒体中客户评论如何进一步影响企业销售,从在线口碑的数量和极性两个维度对消费者行为与企业销售的影响进行研究。研究成果旨在弥补口碑效应领域对社会化媒体环境下的在线口碑影响机制研究的不足,丰富和完善在线口碑相关理论,并为企业深入理解社会化媒体环境中的消费者行为、设计合理的销售模式提供理论基础与方法选择,以增强我国企业在社会化媒体环境中的市场竞争力。
中文关键词: 社会媒体;消费者行为;搜索量指数;在线评论;社会网络
英文摘要: Oriented to the newest growing development of Electronic Commerce in the environment of social media, this study is going to explore the influence of online User-Generated-Content on consumer behaviors and sales performance, reveal the underlying mechanism of UGC effects based on generative modeling. This study will focus on the following two aspects: 1)On the apect of technological oriented studies,this study proposes LDA model to explor data minning methods of the research of UGC in social media. 2)On behavioral oriented studies, this study is going to inverstigate the impact of online customer reviews on following customer behaviours and sales performance in the environment of social media and study the moderating effects of product types and mobile commerce et al. The results of this study aim to compensate the limited research of UGC in social media.To strengthen the market competitiveness of Chinese enterprises in the environment of social media, we simultaneously aim to provide new ideas and methods in designing rational strategies of sales for enterprise through a deep understanding of consumer behaviors in the environment of social media.
英文关键词: Social Media;Investor Behavior;Search Volume Index;Online Review;Social Network