项目名称: 复杂环境下泵类流体机械叶轮动态多维力测量关键技术研究
项目编号: No.51505299
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 机械、仪表工业
项目作者: 高翼飞
作者单位: 沈阳工业大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 面向大型装备中泵类流体机械关键部件设计对叶轮多维力高精度测量的迫切需求,研究复杂环境下泵装置叶轮轴向推力、径向力和扭矩的动态多维力一体化测量难题。提出基于二分量压电式传感器的空间六维力测量模型,建立传感器数量、布置形式及输出分量与叶轮多维力的映射关系;研究基于多传感器布置位姿正交平面与轴系的高精度补偿方法,解决叶轮高量程比力作用下多分量间的解耦难题,提高叶轮动态多维力的测试精度;研究与泵主轴转子同步的高刚度高频响测力装置进行叶轮动态多维力直接测量的方法,揭示启动、小流量等变工况下叶轮所受多维瞬态冲击载荷规律;研究叶轮动态多维力总体测量不确定度分析方法;提高复杂环境下叶轮动态多维力测量的可靠性和鲁棒性。本项目突破常规的单纯轴向推力测量方法,为复杂流场下流体机械叶轮多维力的理论计算及模拟仿真提供有效修正手段,研究成果可为服役在复杂环境下泵装置关键部件的设计制造提供理论依据和新的试验方法。
中文关键词: 多维力;叶轮;动态测试;压电传感器
英文摘要: This proposal focuses on the high precision measurement for the multi-component force based on critical components of the pumps fluid machinery under complex environment. In this proposal, the problem of dynamic multi-component integration measurement of the impeller’s axial force, radial force and torque under complex environment is researched. Meanwhile, the spatical six-component force measuring model based on the two-axial piezoelectric sensors is proposed. The mapping relationship between sensors’ number, arrangement type and output component is established Moreover, the high precision compensation method based on multi-sensors’ pose of orthogonal plane and axis is studied to solve the problem of high range ratio under the multi-component decoupling, the dynamic measurement precision is therefore increased. The direct measurement method using the high rigidity and high frequency response force measuring device synchronous rotating with pump’s shaft is researched. The law of start, small flow and other variable conditions of multi-component transient impact loads is revealed. Finally, in order to improve the reliability and robustness of the system against the changing conditions, researches are conducted to obtain the total uncertainty of dynamic multi-component force measurement system. This research will break through the conventional axial force measurement simple method, and support an effective correction method for the multi-component force calculation and simulation. The results may provide significant theoretical basis and novel testing technology for the key component of pumps design and manufacture working in complicated conditions.
英文关键词: Multi-component force;Impeller;Dynamic measurement;Piezoelectric sensor