项目名称: 数字指纹中的安全分析及评测技术研究
项目编号: No.60873226
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2009
项目学科: 化学工业
项目作者: 凌贺飞
作者单位: 华中科技大学
项目金额: 32万元
中文摘要: 目前的数字指纹技术远未达到实用阶段,这是因为人们忽视了指纹安全分析与评测的研究。现有水印安全分析的研究只能对非授权的指纹嵌入与检测的安全分析比较有效,但对指纹系统可能遭受各类共谋估计的水印去除攻击和共谋者身份隐匿攻击的安全分析却无能为力。本项目针对常见的数字指纹系统拟提出安全分析与评测框架;建立共谋攻击统一模型,扩展共谋攻击类型;结合隐写分析技术与Voronoi 图的几何表示方法,研究攻击迭代优化策略与算法;对最终共谋后的伪本进行基于互信息的安全理论值的分析和基于指纹检测的实际安全性能评测研究。研究成果不仅可用于指纹系统安全方面的综合评价,便于人们筛选出性能突出的算法,而且还可为设计安全指纹系统提供理论指导。项目将实现的评测工具,其功能类似于Stirmark 在水印鲁棒性评价中所起的作用,用于全面评价指纹系统对抗各种共谋攻击的安全程度,在安全指纹设计中,具有广泛的应用。
中文关键词: 数字指纹;数字水印;安全分析;安全性能评测;共谋攻击
英文摘要: Presently,the digital fingerprinting is still ineffective in practical use, which isbecause the research of the analysis and evaluation of fingerprint security has been neglected for long time. The current theory related with watermark security is only effective for analyzing the unauthorized watermark embedding and detection, but useless for the attacks of fingerprint removal by collusion and the analysis of attacker identification. Addressing these issues, this project will propose the frame of security analysis and evaluation for universal fingerprinting systems, which includes establishing universal model for collusion attacks,enriching the collusion types, the research of iterative optimization strategy and algorithm for collusion attacks, mutual-information-based theoretical analysis of fingerprint security in the collusion fake, and evaluation of practical security combining some particular fingerprint detectors. The research achievements will not only be applied in evaluating the security of fingerprinting system, but also facilitate the selection of excellent algorithms. Moreover, they are very helpful in the design of new security fingerprinting system. Finally the project will develop an evaluating tool, similar to stirmark used to evaluate the watermark robustness, which is employed to evaluate the security of fingerprinting system against different kinds of collusion attacks.And it also has extensive uses in the design of secure fingerprinting.
英文关键词: digital fingerprinting; digital watermarking; security analysis; security evaluation; collusion