项目名称: 城市公共区域电动汽车充、换电站混合规划建模及其优化方法研究
项目编号: No.61203100
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 自动化学科
项目作者: 师瑞峰
作者单位: 华北电力大学
项目金额: 24万元
中文摘要: 随着传统化石能源日益枯竭、城市汽车尾气排放日益加剧,推动电动汽车产业迅速发展,充、换电站等基础设施的规划与建设运营,是实现电动汽车产业规模化和可持续发展的必要前提。如何建立统筹全局的整体规划模型,并进行有效求解,是该领域亟待解决的应用基础问题。本项目基于电动汽车能量补给需求预测模型,对现有配电网路空间分布、电能容量约束、谐波污染等电网侧技术约束条件与电动汽车行驶/续航里程、能量补给时间等因素对用户交通需求满足度的非技术约束条件进行融合,建立以搜索电动汽车充、换电站最佳选址-定容决策组合为目标的整体优化模型。提出以群体递进进化结构为框架、异构分层编码结构为载体、定制进化操作算子为寻优手段、启发式修复策略和交互式动态适应度评价策略为决策偏好导向的进化算法体系。在保证算法寻优效率的前提下,实现城市公共区域电动汽车充、换电站规划问题的多个目标协同改进,为电动汽车基础设施建设提供理论指导。
中文关键词: 规划建模;多目标进化算法;电动汽车;充换电站;离散系统仿真
英文摘要: Electric vehicle industry is developed prosperously in the past two decades, due to the rapidly shrinking of fossil fuel and the increasing of vehicle exhaust emissions. Building up sufficient changing or exchanging electric power battery facilities and taking them into function is a precondition to develop this industry in a sustainable way. The basic key problem within this field is to develop a universal optimization model for the charging or exchanging electric power battery facilities and solve it efficiently. A hybrid integral charging/exchanging station for electric power battery is built up in this study, in which the statistical population streams in public regions are analyzed to help us building up the electric vehicle energy supply prediction model, the topology of current distribution network, the charging period that the driver will take in one service of recharging his/her vehicle battery, and the harmonic wave limitation of an energy supply station for electric vehicle are considered as the constraints for the model. Besides, other factors, like driving behaviors or the financial investigation for building up a charging/exchanging station are also taken into account within the model. In order to solve this global optimization problem in an efficient way, a hybrid multi-objective evolutionary
英文关键词: Planning and Modeling;Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm;Electric Vehicles;Charging and Exchanging Power Station;Discrete System Simulation