项目名称: 球面全方位目标测量及跟踪理论
项目编号: No.41271454
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 刘进
作者单位: 武汉大学
项目金额: 75万元
中文摘要: 近年来,由于机器人导航技术、虚拟现实技术的发展,对大视场甚至全视场场景的立体感知的需要日益增强。针对此需求,本项目旨在研究基于球面测量理论的全方位目标检测与跟踪的方法。 首先建立全方位目标定位所需的球面测量理论,包括:球面基础矩阵及核线约束理论、球面与外平面坐标系间的Homograph映射关系等理论。在此基础上研究全景视频条件下,跟踪Track、学习Learning、检测Detect三模块集成的自优化全景目标跟踪算法理论。跟踪模块将检测模块得到的连续运动目标作为正样本,远离运动轨迹的虚警作为负样本,对学习模块的分类器做实时优化,进而反馈指导检测模块得到更准确的检测结果。 本课题将研究针对球面全景视频模式下的TLD自优化目标定位和跟踪理论。研究成果将可应用在空间探测器三维可视化导航及目标跟踪、月球车、火星车周边环境探测、极地环境监控、全方位军事目标侦察等领域。
中文关键词: 球面测量;球面目标跟踪;目标测量;全景视觉;
英文摘要: In recent years , due to the development of the robot navigation technology and the virtual reality technology,the demand of achieving large field of view and even three-dimensional perception has been growing. Confronted with this situation, we create this project aiming to set up the full automatic target recognition theory based on the spherical imaging measurement theory. Firstly we need to creat rhe basic theory of the spherical imaging measurement theory,including the spherical projection imaging mathematics model, spherical fundamental matrix and nuclear line constraint equations theory, the Homograph relationship of sphere and the plane coordinate system and the theory of spherical camera measuring the coordinate of the ground and the vertical height, spherical forward intersection, resection and relative orientation.With this basic theory, we can set up the full automatic target recognition theory which is the aimed theory. This project based on the arithmetic of TLD for intergration of Tracking,Learing and Detecting three modules so as to realize the optimization tracking algorithm .Tracking module will take the continuous movement inspection of the target as positive samples and take the false alarm which is far away from the trajectory as negative samples.Besides,it does real-time optimization to th
英文关键词: spherical measurement;spherical target tracking;target measurement;panoramic vision;