项目名称: 无限方差噪声下的分数阶多维变换域特性分析与多参数扩展及相关应用研究
项目编号: No.61261046
项目类型: 地区科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 查代奉
作者单位: 九江学院
项目金额: 43万元
中文摘要: 无限方差噪声下的二阶统计特性分析以及分数阶统计意义上的单维、时域、频域的密度与分布特性分析方法及其应用已经不能满足理论与实际工程需要。本项目将分数阶统计量与多维、多参数扩展分析结合起来,深入研究尖峰无限方差噪声的分数阶非时域、非频域的多维多参数域变换扩展的基本框架;研究该类噪声的分数阶多维密度及多参数扩展特性,如复频率特性、多分形密度特性、曲波/轮廓波特性、稀疏域特性、高维/多谱密度、进化谱特性;研究基于无限方差噪声模型的分数阶多维与多参数扩展模型的时变频偏、空间密度特性、时间演变多径散射、空时频三维、EP多维特征、三维病灶确定、水下三维定位、时变均衡等问题。本项目将FLOS与多维多参数分析结合起来,完善无限方差噪声环境下的分数阶多维多参数特性与相关域变换扩展的分析处理模型及系统,形成较完整的方法体系并应用于实际的水声、脑电、通信信号处理问题。
中文关键词: 多维密度;分数低阶统计量;多参数扩展;无限方差;
英文摘要: Second order analysis and density distributioin analysis in single dimension, time domain and frequency domain based on fractional lower oeder statistics do not meet requirements under infinite variance noise. The project combines FLOS with multimension and multiparameter, developes fractional order non-time-domain, non-freqoency-domain multidimension and multiparameter tranformation frame, studies complex frequency, multifractal density, sparse domain, highdimension spectrum density, evolution spectrum and their performances of the type of noise. The project also studies timevariant frequency shift, spatial density analysis, timevariant multipath scattering, space-time-frequency 3-D, EP multidimension performance, 3-D nidus determination, underwater 3-D locationalization, timevariant equalization, and so on. It combines FLOS with multimension and multiparameter analysis and will consummate fractional order multimension and multiparameter performance analysis methods and processing models and systems in relative transformation domain and will form rather whole theories and systems and will put them into practical underwater sound, Brain Wave, communication signal processing.
英文关键词: multimension density;fractional lower order statistics;multiparameter extension;infinite variance;