项目名称: 高灵敏度光学非线性测量技术的研究
项目编号: No.11304216
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 杨俊义
作者单位: 苏州大学
项目金额: 28万元
中文摘要: 光学非线性测量技术是研究材料光学非线性的必要工具。本项目研究一种高灵敏度材料光学非线性测量技术,与传统的光学非线性测量技术相比,其灵敏度可提高两个数量级。主要研究内容包括:在相位物体Z-scan技术基础上发展高灵敏度光学非线性测量系统;探索系统灵敏度提高的原理,研究系统中相位物体的透过率、相位延迟、及半径大小等因素对系统灵敏度的影响,优化系统,进一步提高系统测量灵敏度。系统中引入泵浦光激发,开展高灵敏度瞬态光学非线性折射测量技术研究。研究反射相位物体单脉冲测量技术,以测量材料表面、非透明衬底薄膜的光学非线性。该研究将对光学非线性测量技术的发展以及非线性光学材料,特别是易损伤材料,如薄膜的光学非线性研究具有极其重要的意义。
中文关键词: 光学非线性测量;非线性折射;泵浦探测;灵敏度;
英文摘要: Identifying material's nonlinear optical response for today's photonic applications is an ongoing effort.Therefore the optical nonlinearity measurement technique is the key for characterizing materials and device's nonlinear optical response. The destination of this program is to put forward and develop a novel optical nonlinearity measurement technique. The sensitivity of this method is two orders of magnitude larger than traditional measurement technique. The major element of the program is organized as follows: Sec.Ⅰdescribes the high sensitive single-shot third-order nonlinear refraction measurement system based on the phase object Z-scan configuration. Our goal is to study the mechanism of sensitivity enhancement of this technique and to achieve maximum sensitivity by optimizing the transmission and phase delay of phase object in the measurement system. Sec. Ⅱpresents a new time-resolved pump-probe system, which measures the dynamics response of third-order nonlinear refraction. Compared to other time-resolved nonlinear refraction spectroscopy technique such as time-resolved Z-scan measurement and time-resolved nonlinear imaging technique with phase object, this modified pump-probe technique is simpler and much more sensitive. Sec. Ⅲ presents variant versions of modified measurement system. The transmissiv
英文关键词: optical nonlinearities measurement;nonlinear refraction;pump-probe;sensitivity;