项目名称: 基于质子检测适用于中高分子量膜蛋白结构测定的MAS NMR新方法研究
项目编号: No.21273275
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 王立英
作者单位: 中国科学院武汉物理与数学研究所
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 中高分子量膜蛋白的三维结构测定是蛋白质结构研究的热点和难题。理论上固体NMR谱的分辨率不受膜蛋白分子量大小的限制,可以研究较高分子量的膜蛋白,具有独特优势。但目前用于蛋白质研究的固体NMR方法主要基于低灵敏度的碳-13检测技术,对于较高分子量的膜蛋白体系,非常耗时,使得该方法失效,因此提高固体NMR探测灵敏度是解决问题的关键之一。本项目拟以高灵敏度质子检测MAS NMR方法为基础,结合质子自旋稀释和顺磁弛豫增强技术,设计新的三维和四维实验,提高固体NMR方法的灵敏度和分辨率,从而建立一组较系统的,适用于中高分子量膜蛋白主链顺序归属和长程距离测量的高分辨高灵敏度多维MAS NMR方法。将MAS NMR方法所能解析的膜蛋白分子量大小的上限提高到35 kDa,探索适用于更高分子量膜蛋白体系的相关方法可能性。预期本项目的顺利实施将有助于提高MAS NMR研究膜蛋白三维结构的能力。
中文关键词: 固体核磁共振;质子检测;魔角旋转;膜蛋白;高灵敏度
英文摘要: Three-dimensional struture determination of membrane proteins is still a challenge for protein structure research. Solid-state NMR can be used to study the structures of membrane proteins in their native phospholipid bilayer environment under physiological conditions directly, and its spectral resolution is independent on the protein molecule weight or multimeric state. However, most solid-state NMR methods to facilitate residue-specific resonance assignment rely on low-sensitivity carbon-13 detection, as a result it is very challenging to apply these experiments to large membrane proteins with very limited number of protein molecules in the lipid containing samples.To expand the applications to larger and more biologically complex systems demands improvement in both experimental sensitivity and resolution.Similar to solution NMR, one critical step in the path toward the final structure determination is to assign resonance signals to specific sites in the amino acid sequence.But so far, no mature and effective high-sensitivity solid-state NMR experiments, like solution NMR, are routinely used to assign sequential backbone of membrane proteins yet.In this project, we will develop a suit of high-sensitivity proton-detection based multi-dimensional soild-state NMR experiments, combining with proton spin system dilu
英文关键词: Solid-state NMR;Proton-detection;MAS;Membrane protein;High-sensitivity