项目名称: 企业外部技术搜寻的平衡机制及其对绩效的影响研究
项目编号: No.71302133
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 王元地
作者单位: 四川大学
项目金额: 22万元
中文摘要: 创新环境和模式的变化使得外部技术搜寻成为企业获取竞争优势、增强竞争力的关键因素。在创新国际化和开放程度日益加深的背景下,如何更好地通过外部技术搜寻提升企业绩效是我国当前创新型国家建设战略下企业迫切需要研究的重要课题。本课题通过构建涵盖开发-探索的企业外部技术搜寻的分析框架,从领域内平衡、跨领域平衡和跨领域动态平衡等角度分析外部技术搜寻平衡形成机制及外部搜寻平衡对企业绩效的作用机理。首先在对已有研究梳理的基础上构建企业外部技术搜寻平衡的分析框架,探索平衡机制的形成,并分析其对企业绩效的影响机理;随后,将我国1998-2012年企业的内向专利许可作为外部技术搜寻的具体形式,结合多种数据源,利用STATA等量化工具实证外部技术搜寻形成机制及其对绩效的作用机理;最后,结合典型案例对实证结果进行佐证。该课题研究成果将为企业有效利用外部技术来引导技术创新,进而提升绩效提供理论支撑和实践指导。
中文关键词: 探索;开发;外部技术搜寻;平衡机制;企业绩效
英文摘要: With the change of innovation environment and innovation paradigm shifting, external technology search has increasingly become a key source for a firm to achieve and reinforce its competitive advantages. Thus, the investigation of how to improve a a firm's performance by using external technology becomes imperative to contribute to the consturction of innovation-based country, in particular in an era of innovation internationalization and open innovation. This study aims to build a conceputal framework by employing the dual explotation-exploration approach, and to explores the mechanisms of external technology search balance. It will be examined from within domain balance, cross-domian balance, and cross-domian dynamic balance. The work logic of this study follows a three-phase plan. Firstly, this study sets up a conceptual framework and analyzes the mechanisms of external technology search balance, and further develops research hypotheses regarding search balance mechanisms and assciated performance. Secondly, this study takes external technology as an indigenous variable, and employs quantified methods to test previously developed hypotheses based on an integrated dataset from various sources such as China technology licensing records (1998-2012). In the empirical part, the statistic software, namely, STATA is
英文关键词: exploration;exploitation;external technology search;balance mechanism;firm performance