项目名称: 浮动推杆-凸轮机构构型/尺度综合与性能评价研究
项目编号: No.51475209
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 机械、仪表工业
项目作者: 李延平
作者单位: 集美大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 浮动推杆-凸轮机构,具有结构简单、力流路径短、刚度大等显著优越性,已获具体应用并呈现广阔工程应用前景。但是,因为属于高级复杂机构,构型综合、尺度综合和性能评价等关键核心问题迄今尚未获得圆满解决。本项目通过正半径滚子、平底和负半径滚子划分,提出浮动推杆-凸轮机构的各种可能机构构型,完成对象机构的系统分类和尺寸参数的准确表达;建立运动保真、传动性能和接触强度等构成的性能评价指标体系;揭示出性能参数与尺寸、运动参数之间,以及各性能评价指标间错综复杂的耦合关系;研究解决狭义/广义第Ⅰ类机构综合问题、狭义/广义第Ⅱ类机构综合问题和泛机构综合问题等多角度、多层面的机构综合问题,获得机构解全域和最优解。提出一套系统完整的构型/尺度综合和性能评价理论,对充分发挥对象机构的优越功能和性能,推动对象机构更广泛付诸工程应用,具有重要的理论价值和实际意义。
中文关键词: 浮动推杆;凸轮机构;构型综合;尺度综合;性能评价
英文摘要: Floating follower-cam combined mechanisms have been widely applied in engineering fields and is of promising application expectation, because of many advantages such as simple structure, short force flow-route and high rigidity. however, belonging to senior-complex mechanism, so far the problem of type/size synthesis and performance evaluation have not been perfectly solved. Via the division of positive-radius roller, flat base and negative-radius roller, this project puts forward all possible mechanism types, accomplishs the systematic classification and correct description of object mechanism. This project puts forward the new concept of performance nodes,and establishs performance evaluation-index system. bring to light the complicated relationships of performance parameters with size-parameters and motion-parameters as well as all performance parameters. This project will study and solve special/general type Ⅰmechanism synthesis task, special/general type Ⅱmechanism synthesis task and pan-mechanism synthesis task, obtain the full-solution and the optimum solution. This project will set up a systematic and perfect theory of type/size synthesis and performance evaluation. This project is of important theoretical value and practical significance on fully elaborating the advantages in functiong and performance and promoting the wide engeering application.
英文关键词: Floating follower;Cam mechanisms;Type synthesis;Size synthesis;Performance evaluation