项目名称: 基于多项式模糊模型的复杂非线性大系统分散网络控制研究
项目编号: No.61203076
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 自动化学科
项目作者: 杨德东
作者单位: 河北工业大学
项目金额: 24万元
中文摘要: 网络环境中的复杂非线性大系统与传统互联系统存在着显著的差别,其分散控制器是通过网络传输实现的,子系统动力学性质因此也受到各种网络特性的影响,并且由于大系统常常存在异构通信网络组成的分散控制反馈回路,使得原有的拓扑结构更加复杂,增加了分析与设计的困难,如何考虑以上特点对其进行建模、分析与综合是当前的难点所在,具有极其重要的理论研究价值。本项目将研究基于多项式模糊模型的复杂非线性大系统分散网络控制问题。主要研究内容可概括为:首先建立被控对象的多项式模糊模型,引入带有零阶保持器的混杂系统结构;然后综合考虑非一致采样、量化误差、网络传输时延和数据丢包的影响,并针对存在异构通信网络的情况设计分散控制器;最后研究新的稳定性分析方法来减少控制的保守性。上述研究成果将为复杂非线性大系统控制理论的发展提供新的思路,丰富模糊控制理论和网络控制理论的研究内容,同时推动我国自动化技术的进步。
中文关键词: 大系统;模糊控制;网络控制;分散控制;
英文摘要: The distinct differences exist between complex nonlinear large-scale systems in network environments and classical interconnected systems. Since the decentralized controller is implemented through network transmission, the dynamics of subsystems will be affected by all kinds of network properties. Moreover, because there often exist many decentralized control feedback loops composed by heterogeneous communication networks, the original topological structures will become more complex, which increases the difficulty of analysis and design. How to model, analyze and integrate complex nonlinear large-scale systems is a very hard problem while considering the above characteristics, and has important research value in theory. This project will study the decentralized networked control problem of complex nonlinear large-scale systems based on polynomial fuzzy model. The main research contents can be summarized as follows: First, we construct the polynomial fuzzy model about the controlled plant and introduce the hybrid structure with zero-order holder. Next, comprehensively considering the influence of nonuniform sampling, quantization errors, networks transmit delay and data dropouts, the decentralized controller is designed for the case with heterogeneous communication networks. Lastly, we consider new stability anal
英文关键词: Large-scale systems;Fuzzy control;Networked control;Decentralized control;