项目名称: 随机非线性多智能体网络系统鲁棒一致性分析与综合
项目编号: No.61203143
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 自动化学科
项目作者: 李琳
作者单位: 上海理工大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 本项目研究随机非线性多智能体网络系统的鲁棒一致性协调控制问题。项目主要研究内容有:考虑到智能体动态的非线性特性以及外部随机扰动的存在,建立符合实际、合理准确的随机非线性智能体系统模型;针对此模型,围绕一致性控制中的实际问题,包括通讯网络拓扑、通讯时滞、信息传输丢包、乱序等问题,构造基于网络的新型一致性控制协议,获得保证系统达到一致的判据,进而给出一致性控制律协议的设计算法;分析系统具有外部扰动时的鲁棒H2,H∞,L2-L∞ 性能指标;研究随机非线性多智能体系统的具有区间参数摄动的鲁棒一致性,给出保证系统达到鲁棒一致的条件以及分布式鲁棒一致性协议的设计算法,分析区间参数摄动范围对系统稳定性的影响;仿真与实验研究。本项目的研究,不仅会推动一致性理论的发展,还将在机器人编队等相关领域具有重要的应用,项目研究具有理论意义和实际应用价值。
中文关键词: 多智能体系统;一致性;广义非线性系统;滤波与控制;马尔科夫链
英文摘要: This project studies the problem of robust consensus coordination control for stochastic nonlinear network-based multi-agent systems. The main content of this project includes: Build a reasonable and accurate stochastic nonlinear multi-agent system model under the consideration of the ninlinearity of agent's dynamic and the existence of random external disturbance; Based on the proposed model, according to the practical problems around consistency control including dynamically changing topologies, information transmission time-delays, package loss and package disorder, design a new network-based consensus protocal, obtain the consensus criterion and the design method of the consensus protocal; The analysis and synthesis of robust H2, H∞, L2-L∞performance index; With the interval parameter pertubation,research the robust consensus of stochastic nonlinear multi-agent systems,develop the sufficient or sufficient and necessary conditions guaranteeing the multi-agent system be stable, and obtain the design method of the distributed robust consensus protocol, analyze the influneces of the interval parameter perturbation range for system stablility; The study of simulation and experiment. The research of this project will not only promote the development of the consensus theoty, but also have important applications i
英文关键词: Multi-agent Systems;Consensus;Descriptor Nonlinear Systems;Filtering and Control;Markov Chain