A coloring of a digraph is a partition of its vertex set such that each class induces a digraph with no directed cycles. A digraph is $k$-chromatic if $k$ is the minimum number of classes in such partition, and a digraph is oriented if there is at most one arc between each pair of vertices. Clearly, the smallest $k$-chromatic digraph is the complete digraph on $k$ vertices, but determining the order of the smallest $k$-chromatic oriented graphs is a challenging problem. It is known that the smallest $2$-, $3$- and $4$-chromatic oriented graphs have $3$, $7$ and $11$ vertices, respectively. In 1994, Neumann-Lara conjectured that a smallest $5$-chromatic oriented graph has $17$ vertices. We solve this conjecture and show that the correct order is $19$.