In many complex sequential decision-making tasks, online planning is crucial for high performance. For efficient online planning, Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) employs a principled mechanism for trading off exploration for exploitation. MCTS outperforms comparison methods in many discrete decision-making domains such as Go, Chess, and Shogi. Following, extensions of MCTS to continuous domains have been proposed. However, the inherent high branching factor and the resulting explosion of search tree size are limiting existing methods. To address this problem, we propose Continuous Monte Carlo Graph Search (CMCGS), a novel extension of MCTS to online planning in environments with continuous state and action spaces. CMCGS takes advantage of the insight that, during planning, sharing the same action policy between several states can yield high performance. To implement this idea, at each time step, CMCGS clusters similar states into a limited number of stochastic action bandit nodes, which produce a layered directed graph instead of an MCTS search tree. Experimental evaluation shows that CMCGS outperforms comparable planning methods in several complex continuous DeepMind Control Suite benchmarks and a 2D navigation task with limited sample budgets. Furthermore, CMCGS can be parallelized to scale up and it outperforms the Cross-Entropy Method (CEM) in continuous control with learned dynamics models.