We consider the decentralized optimization problem, where a network of $n$ agents aims to collaboratively minimize the average of their individual smooth and convex objective functions through peer-to-peer communication in a directed graph. To tackle this problem, we propose two accelerated gradient tracking methods, namely APD and APD-SC, for non-strongly convex and strongly convex objective functions, respectively. We show that APD and APD-SC converge at the rates $O\left(\frac{1}{k^2}\right)$ and $O\left(\left(1 - C\sqrt{\frac{\mu}{L}}\right)^k\right)$, respectively, up to constant factors depending only on the mixing matrix. APD and APD-SC are the first decentralized methods over unbalanced directed graphs that achieve the same provable acceleration as centralized methods. Numerical experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of both methods.