A Markov model is a widely used tool for modeling sequences of events from a finite state-space and hence can be employed to identify the transition probabilities across treatments based on treatment sequence data. To understand how patient-level covariates impact these treatment transitions, the transition probabilities are modeled as a function of patient covariates. This approach enables the visualization of the effect of patient-level covariates on the treatment transitions across patient visits. The proposed method automatically estimates the entries of the transition matrix with smaller numbers of empirical transitions as constant; the user can set desired cutoff of the number of empirical transition counts required for a particular transition probability to be estimated as a function of covariates. Firstly, this strategy automatically enforces the final estimated transition matrix to contain zeros at the locations corresponding to zero empirical transition counts, avoiding further complicated model constructs to handle sparsity, in an efficient manner. Secondly, it restricts estimation of transition probabilities as a function of covariates, when the number of empirical transitions is particularly small, thus avoiding the identifiability issue which might arise due to the p>n scenario when estimating each transition probability as a function of patient covariates. To optimize the multi-modal likelihood, a parallelized scalable global optimization routine is also developed. The proposed method is applied to understand how the transitions across disease modifying therapies (DMTs) in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) patients are influenced by patient-level demographic and clinical phenotypes.