The resilience problem for a query and an input set or bag database is to compute the minimum number of facts to remove from the database to make the query false. In this paper, we study how to compute the resilience of Regular Path Queries (RPQs) over graph databases. Our goal is to characterize the regular languages $L$ for which it is tractable to compute the resilience of the existentially-quantified RPQ built from $L$. We show that computing the resilience in this sense is tractable (even in combined complexity) for all RPQs defined from so-called local languages. By contrast, we show hardness in data complexity for RPQs defined from the following language classes (after reducing the languages to eliminate redundant words): all finite languages featuring a word containing a repeated letter, and all languages featuring a specific kind of counterexample to being local (which we call four-legged languages). The latter include in particular all languages that are not star-free. Our results also imply hardness for all non-local languages with a so-called neutral letter. We also highlight some remaining obstacles towards a full dichotomy. In particular, for the RPQ $abc|be$, resilience is tractable but the only PTIME algorithm that we know uses submodular function optimization.