Semantic segmentation of point clouds generates comprehensive understanding of scenes through densely predicting the category for each point. Due to the unicity of receptive field, semantic segmentation of point clouds remains challenging for the expression of multi-receptive field features, which brings about the misclassification of instances with similar spatial structures. In this paper, we propose a graph convolutional network DGFA-Net rooted in dilated graph feature aggregation (DGFA), guided by multi-basis aggregation loss (MALoss) calculated through Pyramid Decoders. To configure multi-receptive field features, DGFA which takes the proposed dilated graph convolution (DGConv) as its basic building block, is designed to aggregate multi-scale feature representation by capturing dilated graphs with various receptive regions. By simultaneously considering penalizing the receptive field information with point sets of different resolutions as calculation bases, we introduce Pyramid Decoders driven by MALoss for the diversity of receptive field bases. Combining these two aspects, DGFA-Net significantly improves the segmentation performance of instances with similar spatial structures. Experiments on S3DIS, ShapeNetPart and Toronto-3D show that DGFA-Net outperforms the baseline approach, achieving a new state-of-the-art segmentation performance.
翻译:点云的语义分解通过对每个点的类别进行密集预测,可以产生对场面的全面理解。由于可接受字段的异常性,点云的语义分解对于多受体域特征的表达仍然具有挑战性,从而导致对类似空间结构的事例进行错误分类。在本文件中,我们提出一个图形进化网络DGFA-Net,它植根于变形图形地貌特征聚合(DGFA),它以通过Pyramid Decoders计算的多基点汇总损失(MALOs)为指导。为了配置多基场功能,DGFA, 将拟议中的变形图共振(DGConv)作为基本构件,目的是通过收集不同可接受区域的变形图集图集来综合多级地貌代表。我们同时考虑将可接受的域信息与不同分辨率的点组合作为计算基础来惩罚,我们引入了由MARMos驱动的多基点汇总(MALOLos),将这两个方面结合起来,DFA-Net大大改进了与类似空间性能-DVAL-DSDSDSA-DS-DSA-DSA-DSimactimactimactals