Electronic control systems used for quantum computing have become increasingly complex as multiple qubit technologies employ larger numbers of qubits with higher fidelity targets. Whereas the control systems for different technologies share some similarities, parameters like pulse duration, throughput, real-time feedback, and latency requirements vary widely depending on the qubit type. In this paper, we evaluate the performance of modern System-on-Chip (SoC) architectures in meeting the control demands associated with performing quantum gates on trapped-ion qubits, particularly focusing on communication within the SoC. A principal focus of this paper is the data transfer latency and throughput of several high-speed on-chip mechanisms on Xilinx multi-processor SoCs, including those that utilize direct memory access (DMA). They are measured and evaluated to determine an upper bound on the time required to reconfigure a gate parameter. Worst-case and average-case bandwidth requirements for a custom gate sequencer core are compared with the experimental results. The lowest-variability, highest-throughput data-transfer mechanism is DMA between the real-time processing unit (RPU) and the PL, where bandwidths up to 19.2 GB/s are possible. For context, this enables reconfiguration of qubit gates in less than 2\mics\!, comparable to the fastest gate time. Though this paper focuses on trapped-ion control systems, the gate abstraction scheme and measured communication rates are applicable to a broad range of quantum computing technologies.
翻译:用于量子计算的电子控制系统已变得越来越复杂,因为多孔比特技术使用数量更多的量子比特,具有更高的忠诚目标。虽然不同技术的控制系统有一些相似之处,但脉冲持续时间、吞吐量、实时反馈和延时要求等参数因quit类型而有很大差异。在本文件中,我们评估了现代系统芯片(SoC)结构在满足与在困住的夸比特上执行量门关关关相关控制要求方面的性能,特别是侧重于 SoC内部的通信。本文的主要重点是Xilinx多处理器(SHilinx多处理器)上若干高速芯片机制(包括直接使用内存访问(DMA))的数据传输延度和吞吐量。测量和评价这些系统是为了确定重新配置门参数所需时间的上限。将定制门定式测序器核心最差和平均带宽要求与实验结果进行比较。 最低可变性、最高数据传输机制是XLMA实时处理器(RPU)的可应用延度和高速机轴机制,使这一卡门的伸缩幅度系统在19的伸缩控制中能够进行。