The Spatial AutoRegressive model (SAR) is commonly used in studies involving spatial and network data to estimate the spatial or network peer influence and the effects of covariates on the response, taking into account the spatial or network dependence. While the model can be efficiently estimated with a Quasi maximum likelihood approach (QMLE), the detrimental effect of covariate measurement error on the QMLE and how to remedy it is currently unknown. If covariates are measured with error, then the QMLE may not have the $\sqrt{n}$ convergence and may even be inconsistent even when a node is influenced by only a limited number of other nodes or spatial units. We develop a measurement error-corrected ML estimator (ME-QMLE) for the parameters of the SAR model when covariates are measured with error. The ME-QMLE possesses statistical consistency and asymptotic normality properties. We consider two types of applications. The first is when the true covariate cannot be measured directly, and a proxy is observed instead. The second one involves including latent homophily factors estimated with error from the network for estimating peer influence. Our numerical results verify the bias correction property of the estimator and the accuracy of the standard error estimates in finite samples. We illustrate the method on a real dataset related to county-level death rates from the COVID-19 pandemic.