E-commerce app users exhibit behaviors that are inherently logically consistent. A series of multi-scenario user behaviors interconnect to form the scene-level all-domain user moveline, which ultimately reveals the user's true intention. Traditional CTR prediction methods typically focus on the item-level interaction between the target item and the historically interacted items. However, the scene-level interaction between the target item and the user moveline remains underexplored. There are two challenges when modeling the interaction with preceding all-domain user moveline: (i) Heterogeneity between items and scenes: Unlike traditional user behavior sequences that utilize items as carriers, the user moveline utilizes scenes as carriers. The heterogeneity between items and scenes complicates the process of aligning interactions within a unified representation space. (ii) Temporal misalignment of linked scene-level and item-level behaviors: In the preceding user moveline with a fixed sampling length, certain critical scene-level behaviors are closely linked to subsequent item-level behaviors. However, it is impossible to establish a complete temporal alignment that clearly identifies which specific scene-level behaviors correspond to which item-level behaviors. To address these challenges and pioneer modeling user intent from the perspective of the all-domain moveline, we propose All-domain Moveline Evolution Network (AMEN). AMEN not only transfers interactions between items and scenes to homogeneous representation spaces, but also introduces a Temporal Sequential Pairwise (TSP) mechanism to understand the nuanced associations between scene-level and item-level behaviors, ensuring that the all-domain user moveline differentially influences CTR predictions for user's favored and unfavored items. Online A/B testing demonstrates that our method achieves a +11.6% increase in CTCVR.