The paper concerns several theoretical aspects of oriented supersingular $\ell$-isogeny volcanoes and their relationship to closed walks in the supersingular $\ell$-isogeny graph. Our main result is a bijection between the rims of the union of all oriented supersingular $\ell$-isogeny volcanoes over $\overline{\mathbb{F}}_p$ (up to conjugation of the orientations), and isogeny cycles (non-backtracking closed walks which are not powers of smaller walks) of the supersingular $\ell$-isogeny graph over $\overline{\mathbb{F}}_p$. The exact proof and statement of this bijection are made more intricate by special behaviours arising from extra automorphisms and the ramification of $p$ in certain quadratic orders. We use the bijection to count isogeny cycles of given length in the supersingular $\ell$-isogeny graph exactly as a sum of class numbers of these orders, and also give an explicit upper bound by estimating the class numbers.