The Rains relative entropy of a bipartite quantum state is the tightest known upper bound on its distillable entanglement - which has a crisp physical interpretation of entanglement as a resource - and it is efficiently computable by convex programming. It has not been known to be a selective entanglement monotone in its own right. In this work, we strengthen the interpretation of the Rains relative entropy by showing that it is monotone under the action of selective operations that completely preserve the positivity of the partial transpose, reasonably quantifying entanglement. That is, we prove that Rains relative entropy of an ensemble generated by such an operation does not exceed the Rains relative entropy of the initial state in expectation, giving rise to the smallest, most conservative known computable selective entanglement monotone. Additionally, we show that this is true not only for the original Rains relative entropy, but also for Rains relative entropies derived from various Renyi relative entropies. As an application of these findings, we prove, in both the non-asymptotic and asymptotic settings, that the probabilistic approximate distillable entanglement of a state is bounded from above by various Rains relative entropies.
翻译:两边量子状态下的雨相对的激素是其可蒸馏的纠缠状态上最接近已知的最深处的圈套,它能够精确地从物理上解读纠缠成一种资源,而且它能有效地用 convex 编程来比较。它本身还不是已知的选择性的纠缠单色。在这项工作中,我们通过显示它是一个单一的单一的单体来解释雨相对的激素,通过选择性的行动来完全保存部分移转的假设性,并合理地量化纠缠。也就是说,我们证明,这种操作产生的共性元素相对的雨相对的激素不会超过最初状态的雨相对的激素,从而产生最小的、最保守的、最保守的可调解析的选择性纠缠单一色。此外,我们证明,这不仅适用于原始的雨相对的激素,而且也适用于来自各种Renyy相对的纠缠。我们从这些结果的相对性环境的运用中可以证明,从这些相对的相对性环境上看,我们从不具有约束性的状态中可以证明,从不拘谨的状态上看,从不具有一种不拘谨的状态。