项目名称: 超声波电机高效率非线性Hammerstein控制方法
项目编号: No.U1304501
项目类型: 联合基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 电工技术
项目作者: 史敬灼
作者单位: 河南科技大学
项目金额: 30万元
中文摘要: 目前超声波电机研究存在的主要问题是:电机输出机械功率小、运行寿命短,运行效率低,控制精度不高。针对“控制精度不高”、“运行效率低”两个问题,进行超声波电机伺服控制策略的基础性研究。探求超声波电机系统非线性机理,设计混沌-粒子群优化算法,与实验辨识相结合,建立超声波电机的多输入Hammerstein 非线性模型;构造该模型中非线性环节的逆,实现主要非线性特性的在线对消;设计适用于超声波电机的多步预测自校正伺服控制策略,结合在线辨识和优化机制,实现对Hammerstein 模型中线性环节的有效控制,并补偿由于非线性对消不完全而遗留下来的弱非线性、慢时变特性。同时,利用富余控制自由度,设计模糊变步长的超声波电机系统效率优化控制方法,实现系统全局效率优化控制,提升系统运行效率;设计前馈控制以补偿由效率优化带来的大幅度扰动,实现多变量协调控制,保证效率优化前提下的伺服控制效果。
中文关键词: 超声波电机;效率优化;非线性控制;Hammerstein模型;自适应控制
英文摘要: The primary problems in the study of ultrasonic motor are, low output power, short working time, low efficiency during operation, and low control precision. Aiming at the problems of low control precision and low efficiency during operation, fundamental research will be performed on the servo control strategy of ultrasonic motor. Based on the study on nonlinear characterics of ultrasonic motor system, MISO Hammerstein nonlinear model will be established using identification and chaos particle swarm optimization. Converse model of the nonlinear part in Hammerstein model will be constructed to countervail the nonlinear characteristics online. To control the linear part in Hammerstein model, self-tuning nonlinear generalized predictive control strategy will be designed. The strategy, which combines online identification and optimized self-tuning method, is also used to compensate the leaving nonlinear characteristic after nonlinear compensation using converse model. Along with design of the servo control strategy, the efficiency optimum control using fuzzy logic will also be designed to increase the operation efficiency of ultrasonic motor system. To compensate the disturbance caused by the efficiency optimization, feed-forward control of speed and position will be adopted.
英文关键词: ultrasonic motor;efficiency optimum;nonlinear control;Hammerstein model;adaptive control