In this paper, we present the first study of the computational complexity of converting an automata-based text index structure, called the Compact Directed Acyclic Word Graph (CDAWG), of size $e$ for a text $T$ of length $n$ into other text indexing structures for the same text, suitable for highly repetitive texts: the run-length BWT of size $r$, the irreducible PLCP array of size $r$, and the quasi-irreducible LPF array of size $e$, as well as the lex-parse of size $O(r)$ and the LZ77-parse of size $z$, where $r, z \le e$. As main results, we showed that the above structures can be optimally computed from either the CDAWG for $T$ stored in read-only memory or its self-index version of size $e$ without a text in $O(e)$ worst-case time and words of working space. To obtain the above results, we devised techniques for enumerating a particular subset of suffixes in the lexicographic and text orders using the forward and backward search on the CDAWG by extending the results by Belazzougui et al. in 2015.