Low-resource settings are well-established in natural language processing, where many languages lack sufficient data for machine learning at scale. However, low-resource problems are under-explored in computer vision. In this paper, we strive to address this gap and explore the challenges of low-resource image tasks with vision foundation models. Thus, we first collect a benchmark of genuinely low-resource image data, covering historic maps, circuit diagrams, and mechanical drawings. These low-resource settings all share the three challenges of data scarcity, fine-grained differences, and the distribution shift from natural images to the specialized domain of interest. While existing foundation models have shown impressive generalizability, we find they cannot transfer well to our low-resource tasks. To begin to tackle the challenges of low-resource vision, we introduce one simple baseline per challenge. Specifically, we propose to i) enlarge the data space by generative models, ii) adopt the best sub-kernels to encode local regions for fine-grained difference discovery and iii) learn attention for specialized domains. Experiments on the three low-resource data sources in our benchmark demonstrate our proposals already provide a better baseline than common transfer learning, data augmentation, and fine-grained methods. This highlights the unique characteristics and challenges of low-resource vision for foundation models that warrant further investigation. Project website: https://xiaobai1217.github.io/Low-Resource-Vision/.