We introduce a new measure for quantifying the amount of information that the nodes in a network need to learn to jointly solve a graph problem. We show that the local information cost ($\textsf{LIC}$) presents a natural lower bound on the communication complexity of distributed algorithms. For the synchronous CONGEST-KT1 model, where each node has initial knowledge of its neighbors' IDs, we prove that $\Omega(\textsf{LIC}_\gamma(P)/ \log\tau \log n)$ bits are required for solving a graph problem $P$ with a $\tau$-round algorithm that errs with probability at most $\gamma$. Our result is the first lower bound that yields a general trade-off between communication and time for graph problems in the CONGEST-KT1 model. We demonstrate how to apply the local information cost by deriving a lower bound on the communication complexity of computing a $(2t-1)$-spanner that consists of at most $O(n^{1+1/t + \epsilon})$ edges, where $\epsilon = \Theta(1/t^2)$. Our main result is that any $O(\textsf{poly}(n))$-time algorithm must send at least $\tilde\Omega((1/t^2) n^{1+1/2t})$ bits in the CONGEST model under the KT1 assumption. Previously, only a trivial lower bound of $\tilde \Omega(n)$ bits was known for this problem. A consequence of our lower bound is that achieving both time- and communication-optimality is impossible when designing a distributed spanner algorithm. In light of the work of King, Kutten, and Thorup (PODC 2015), this shows that computing a minimum spanning tree can be done significantly faster than finding a spanner when considering algorithms with $\tilde O(n)$ communication complexity. Our result also implies time complexity lower bounds for constructing a spanner in the node-congested clique of Augustine et al. (2019) and in the push-pull gossip model with limited bandwidth.
翻译:我们引入了一个新的量度来量化一个网络中的节点需要多少信息来共同解决一个图形问题。 我们显示, 本地信息成本 ($\ textsf{ lic} 美元) 对分布式算法的通信复杂性具有自然较低的约束。 对于同步的 COngoST- KT1 模型, 每个节点都初步了解其邻居的ID, 我们证明, $( texts} lic_ gama( P) /\ log\ alogy lical lical 美元) 解决一个图形问题需要用美元( $t) 来解决。 本地信息成本成本比 美元( t) 美元( t) 低( t) lictor_ t licent lictory (t_ t) licol_ dircultimal_ lical_ likedeal_ dies a commodeal_ dies a.