Temporal Knowledge Graph (TKG) reasoning focuses on predicting events through historical information within snapshots distributed on a timeline. Existing studies mainly concentrate on two perspectives of leveraging the history of TKGs, including capturing evolution of each recent snapshot or correlations among global historical facts. Despite the achieved significant accomplishments, these models still fall short of (1) investigating the influences of multi-granularity interactions across recent snapshots and (2) harnessing the expressive semantics of significant links accorded with queries throughout the entire history, especially events exerting a profound impact on the future. These inadequacies restrict representation ability to reflect historical dependencies and future trends thoroughly. To overcome these drawbacks, we propose an innovative TKG reasoning approach towards \textbf{His}torically \textbf{R}elevant \textbf{E}vents \textbf{S}tructuring ($\mathsf{HisRES}$). Concretely, $\mathsf{HisRES}$ comprises two distinctive modules excelling in structuring historically relevant events within TKGs, including a multi-granularity evolutionary encoder that captures structural and temporal dependencies of the most recent snapshots, and a global relevance encoder that concentrates on crucial correlations among events relevant to queries from the entire history. Furthermore, $\mathsf{HisRES}$ incorporates a self-gating mechanism for adaptively merging multi-granularity recent and historically relevant structuring representations. Extensive experiments on four event-based benchmarks demonstrate the state-of-the-art performance of $\mathsf{HisRES}$ and indicate the superiority and effectiveness of structuring historical relevance for TKG reasoning.