In recent years, the advances in digitalisation have also adversely contributed to the significant rise in cybercrimes. Hence, building the threat intelligence to shield against rising cybercrimes has become a fundamental requisite. Internet Protocol (IP) addresses play a crucial role in the threat intelligence and prevention of cyber crimes. However, we have noticed the lack of one-stop, free, and open-source tools that can analyse IP addresses. Hence, this work introduces a comprehensive web tool for advanced IP address characterisation. Our tool offers a wide range of features, including geolocation, blocklist check, VPN detection, proxy detection, bot detection, Tor detection, port scan, and accurate domain statistics that include the details about the name servers and registrar information. In addition, our tool calculates a confidence score based on a weighted sum of publicly accessible online results from different reliable sources to give users a dependable measure of accuracy. Further, to improve performance, our tool also incorporates a local database for caching the results, to enable fast content retrieval with minimal external Web API calls. Our tool supports domain names and IPv4 addresses, making it a multi-functional and powerful IP analyser tool for threat intelligence. Our tool is available at