In our previous paper, we introduced PoseTReID which is a generic framework for real-time 2D multi-person tracking in distributed interaction spaces where long-term people's identities are important for other studies such as behavior analysis, etc. In this paper, we introduce a further study of PoseTReID framework in order to give a more complete comprehension of the framework. We use a well-known bounding box detector YOLO (v4) for the detection to compare to OpenPose which was used in our last paper, and we use SORT and DeepSORT to compare to centroid which was also used previously, and most importantly for the re-identification, we use a bunch of deep leaning methods such as MLFN, OSNet, and OSNet-AIN with our custom classification layer to compare to FaceNet which was also used earlier in our last paper. By evaluating on our PoseTReID datasets, even though those deep learning re-identification methods are designed for only short-term re-identification across multiple cameras or videos, it is worth showing that they give impressive results which boost the overall tracking performance of PoseTReID framework regardless the type of tracking method. At the same time, we also introduce our research-friendly and open source Python toolbox pyppbox, which is pure written in Python and contains all sub-modules which are used this study along with real-time online and offline evaluations for our PoseTReID datasets. This pyppbox is available on GitHub .
翻译:在先前的论文中,我们引入了PoseTReID(PoseTReID),这是在分布式互动空间实时 2D 多人跟踪的通用框架,长期人的身份对于行为分析等其他研究非常重要。在本文中,我们引入了对PoseTReID(PoseTReID)框架的进一步研究,以便更完整地理解框架。我们使用一个众所周知的捆绑框探测器YOLO(v4)来检测我们上一份论文中使用的 OpenPose( OpenPose),我们使用SORT和DeepSORT(DeepSORT)来比较过去也曾使用过的机器,最重要的是用于重新定位的机器。我们使用了一系列深度精细精细精细的方法,例如MLFNF、OSNet(OSNet)和OSNet-AIN(OSNet-AND)和我们定制分类分类的分类分类图图图图比比比比比比。我们使用我们的PoseTReID数据集,即使这些深层学习的重新定位方法是用来在多个相机或视频上进行短期的重新定位,但值得证明它们能给人们看透视点的图像,