Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) can do inference with low power consumption due to their spike sparsity. ANN-SNN conversion is an efficient way to achieve deep SNNs by converting well-trained Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). However, the existing methods commonly use constant threshold for conversion, which prevents neurons from rapidly delivering spikes to deeper layers and causes high time delay. In addition, the same response for different inputs may result in information loss during the information transmission. Inspired by the biological model mechanism, we propose a multi-stage adaptive threshold (MSAT). Specifically, for each neuron, the dynamic threshold varies with firing history and input properties and is positively correlated with the average membrane potential and negatively correlated with the rate of depolarization. The self-adaptation to membrane potential and input allows a timely adjustment of the threshold to fire spike faster and transmit more information. Moreover, we analyze the Spikes of Inactivated Neurons error which is pervasive in early time steps and propose spike confidence accordingly as a measurement of confidence about the neurons that correctly deliver spikes. We use such spike confidence in early time steps to determine whether to elicit spike to alleviate this error. Combined with the proposed method, we examine the performance on non-trivial datasets CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and ImageNet. We also conduct sentiment classification and speech recognition experiments on the IDBM and Google speech commands datasets respectively. Experiments show near-lossless and lower latency ANN-SNN conversion. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time to build a biologically inspired multi-stage adaptive threshold for converted SNN, with comparable performance to state-of-the-art methods while improving energy efficiency.
翻译:脉冲神经网络 (SNNs) 由于其脉冲的稀疏性可以进行低功耗的推理。ANN-SNN转换是通过将训练良好的人工神经网络 (ANNs) 转换为深层SNNs的有效方法。然而,现有方法通常使用恒定的阈值进行转换,这会阻止神经元快速将脉冲传递到更深的层,并导致高延迟时间。此外,相同输入的不同响应可能会导致信息在信息传递过程中的丢失。受生物模型机制的启发,我们提出了一个多阶段自适应阈值 (MSAT)。具体来说,对于每个神经元,动态阈值随着发放历史和输入特性而变化,与平均膜电位正相关,与去极化率负相关。对膜电位和输入的自适应允许及时调整阈值,以更快地触发脉冲并传输更多信息。此外,我们分析了在早期时间步骤中普遍存在的未激活神经元的尖峰错误,并相应地提出了尖峰置信度作为关于正确传递尖峰的神经元的置信度的测量。我们使用早期时间步骤中的此类尖峰置信度来确定是否引发尖峰以缓解此错误。结合所提出的方法,我们在不平凡的数据集 CIFAR-10、CIFAR-100 和 ImageNet 上进行了性能测试。我们还在IDBM和Google语音命令数据集上进行情感分类和语音识别实验。实验证明了近乎无损和更低的延迟 ANN-SNN 转换。据我们所知,这是第一次构建了一种用于转换SNN的类脑多阶段适应性阈值,其性能与最先进的方法相当,并提高了能效。