Quadratic programs (QP) subject to multiple time-dependent control barrier function (CBF) based constraints have been used to design safety-critical controllers. However, ensuring the existence of a solution at all times to the QP subject to multiple CBF constraints (hereby called compatibility) is non-trivial. We quantify the feasible control input space defined by multiple CBFs at a state in terms of its volume. We then introduce a novel feasible space (FS) CBF that prevents this volume from going to zero. FS-CBF is shown to be a sufficient condition for the compatibility of multiple CBFs. For high-dimensional systems though, finding a valid FS-CBF may be difficult due to the limitations of existing computational hardware or theoretical approaches. In such cases, we show empirically that imposing the feasible space volume as a candidate FS-CBF not only enhances feasibility but also exhibits reduced sensitivity to changes in the user-chosen parameters such as gains of the nominal controller. Finally, paired with a global planner, we evaluate our controller for navigation among other dynamically moving agents in the AWS Hospital gazebo environment. The proposed controller is demonstrated to outperform the standard CBF-QP controller in maintaining feasibility.