Motivated by applications in DNA-based storage and communication systems, we study deletion and insertion errors simultaneously in a burst. In particular, we study a type of error named $t$-deletion-$s$-insertion-burst ($(t,s)$-burst for short) which is a generalization of the $(2,1)$-burst error proposed by Schoeny {\it et. al}. Such an error deletes $t$ consecutive symbols and inserts an arbitrary sequence of length $s$ at the same coordinate. We provide a sphere-packing upper bound on the size of binary codes that can correct a $(t,s)$-burst error, showing that the redundancy of such codes is at least $\log n+t-1$. For $t\geq 2s$, an explicit construction of binary $(t,s)$-burst correcting codes with redundancy $\log n+(t-s-1)\log\log n+O(1)$ is given. In particular, we construct a binary $(3,1)$-burst correcting code with redundancy at most $\log n+9$, which is optimal up to a constant.
翻译:受基于DNA的存储和通信系统应用的启发,我们研究在破碎时同时删除和插入错误。特别是,我们研究一种名为$t-erition-$-s$-dition-burst (t,s)-burst $-burst (t,s)-burst (t))的错误,这是Shoeny lt et al} 提议的2,1美元(t)$-burst 错误的概括。这种错误删除了连续的美元符号,并在同一个坐标处插入了一个任意的长度序列($s)。我们提供了一种对二进制代码大小的球包装,可以更正$(t,s)-probest的错误,表明这些代码的冗余至少是$\log n+1美元。对于 $t\g 2s, 明确构建了二进元(t,s)$-burst 校正代码,使用冗余 n+ 最高为恒定值。