Assouad-Nagata dimension addresses both large and small scale behaviors of metric spaces and is a refinement of Gromov's asymptotic dimension. A metric space $M$ is a minor-closed metric if there exists an (edge)-weighted graph $G$ in a fixed minor-closed family such that the underlying space of $M$ is the vertex-set of $G$, and the metric of $M$ is the distance function in $G$. Minor-closed metrics naturally arise when removing redundant edges of the underlying graphs by using edge-deletion and edge-contraction. In this paper, we determine the Assouad-Nagata dimension of every minor-closed metric. It is a common generalization of known results for the asymptotic dimension of $H$-minor free unweighted graphs and the Assouad-Nagata dimension of some 2-dimensional continuous spaces (e.g.\ complete Rienmannian surfaces with finite Euler genus) and their corollaries.