In this study, a gait phase classification method based on SVM multiclass classification is introduced, with a focus on the precise identification of the stance and swing phases, which are further subdivided into seven phases. Data from individual IMU sensors, such as Shank Acceleration X, Y, Z, Shank Gyro X, and Knee Angles, are used as features in this classification model. The suggested technique successfully classifies the various gait phases with a significant accuracy of about 90.3%. Gait phase classification is crucial, especially in the domains of exoskeletons and prosthetics, where accurate identification of gait phases enables seamless integration with assistive equipment, improving mobility, stability, and energy economy. This study extends the study of gait and offers an effective method for correctly identifying gait phases from Shank IMU sensor data, with potential applications in biomechanical research, exoskeletons, rehabilitation, and prosthetics.