We propose the Parallel Residual Bi-Fusion Feature Pyramid Network (PRB-FPN) for fast and accurate single-shot object detection. Feature Pyramid (FP) is widely used in recent visual detection, however the top-down pathway of FP cannot preserve accurate localization due to pooling shifting. The advantage of FP is weaken as deeper backbones with more layers are used. To address this issue, we propose a new parallel FP structure with bi-directional (top-down and bottom-up) fusion and associated improvements to retain high-quality features for accurate localization. Our method is particularly suitable for detecting small objects. We provide the following design improvements: (1) A parallel bifusion FP structure with a Bottom-up Fusion Module (BFM) to detect both small and large objects at once with high accuracy. (2) A COncatenation and RE-organization (CORE) module provides a bottom-up pathway for feature fusion, which leads to the bi-directional fusion FP that can recover lost information from lower-layer feature maps. (3) The CORE feature is further purified to retain richer contextual information. Such purification is performed with CORE in a few iterations in both top-down and bottom-up pathways. (4) The adding of a residual design to CORE leads to a new Re-CORE module that enables easy training and integration with a wide range of (deeper or lighter) backbones. The proposed network achieves state-of-the-art performance on UAVDT17 and MS COCO datasets.
翻译:为了解决这一问题,我们建议采用平行的双向双向双向双向双向(上下和自下而上)聚合和相关的改进功能,以保留准确的局部化高品质特性。我们的方法特别适合探测小物体。我们提供以下的设计改进:(1) 平行双向组合式组合式组合式组合式结构,带有自下而上组合式模块(BFM)无法保存由于集合式转移而使精确的本地化。(2) 采用更深的骨干和再组合式模块(CO)为特性融合提供自下而上的自下而上和相关改进的自上结构,以便保留从低级地貌图中恢复丢失信息的高质量特性。(3) 核心核心组合式结构特别适合探测小物体。我们提供以下的设计改进:(1) 平行双向双向双向组合式组合式组合式组合式结构结构,具有自上至上而来的组合式组合式模块(BFFFM),具有自上而上而上而上式的组合式组合式组合式组合式结构结构,可以进一步使核心内的最新数据升级。