We consider observations $(X,y)$ from single index models with unknown link function, Gaussian covariates and a regularized M-estimator $\hat\beta$ constructed from convex loss function and regularizer. In the regime where sample size $n$ and dimension $p$ are both increasing such that $p/n$ has a finite limit, the behavior of the empirical distribution of $\hat\beta$ and the predicted values $X\hat\beta$ has been previously characterized in a number of models: The empirical distributions are known to converge to proximal operators of the loss and penalty in a related Gaussian sequence model, which captures the interplay between ratio $p/n$, loss, regularization and the data generating process. This connection between$(\hat\beta,X\hat\beta)$ and the corresponding proximal operators require solving fixed-point equations that typically involve unobservable quantities such as the prior distribution on the index or the link function. This paper develops a different theory to describe the empirical distribution of $\hat\beta$ and $X\hat\beta$: Approximations of $(\hat\beta,X\hat\beta)$ in terms of proximal operators are provided that only involve observable adjustments. These proposed observable adjustments are data-driven, e.g., do not require prior knowledge of the index or the link function. These new adjustments yield confidence intervals for individual components of the index, as well as estimators of the correlation of $\hat\beta$ with the index. The interplay between loss, regularization and the model is thus captured in a data-driven manner, without solving the fixed-point equations studied in previous works. The results apply to both strongly convex regularizers and unregularized M-estimation. Simulations are provided for the square and logistic loss in single index models including logistic regression and 1-bit compressed sensing with 20\% corrupted bits.
翻译:我们从一个具有未知链接函数的单一指数模型中观测到$(X,y)$(X)美元(美元),而预测值为$(X)Beta$(美元),这些模型在多个模型中具有未知联系功能。 实验分布已知会与相关高斯序列模型中损失和罚款的准操作者汇合, $(hat)Beta$(美元)和元(美元)元(美元), 在抽样规模(美元)和维特(美元)正在增加, 美元(美元)和维特(美元)正在增加, 美元(美元)的实验分布和预测值(美元), 在多个模型中, 美元(美元(美元) 和美元(美元)的货币(美元), 美元(美元)的货币(美元), 货币(美元)的货币(美元) 和(美元)的货币(美元)的货币(美元) 。 美元(美元) 货币(美元)的货币(美元)的货币(美元) 货币(美元)的货币(美元)的货币(美元)的货币(美元)的货币(美元)的货币(美元)的货币(美元)的货币)的货币(美元)的货币(美元)的货币)在以前的(美元)数据(美元)数据(美元)数据调整中,在以前的(美元)的货币(美元)的货币(美元)的货币) 之前的数据(美元)数据(美元)数据(美元)数据(美元)的货币(美元)的货币(美元)的(美元)的货币(美元)的(美元)的货币)的(美元)的货币(美元(美元)数据)的货币(美元(美元)的(美元)数据)数据)的货币(美元)的(美元)的(美元)的货币)的货币(美元(美元)的(美元)的(美元(美元)的)的(美元)的(美元)的)的(美元)(美元)的)的(美元)(美元)的(美元)的(美元)的(美元)的(美元(美元)的)的)的(美元)的)的)的)的(美元)(美元)的(美元)的(美元)的(美元)的(美元)的(美元)的(美元)的