A Sturm-Liouville problem ($\lambda wy=(ry')'+qy$) is singular if its domain is unbounded or if $r$ or $w$ vanish at the boundary. Then it is difficult to tell whether profound results from regular Sturm-Liouville theory apply. Existing criteria are often difficult to apply, e.g. because they are formulated in terms of the solution function. We study the special case that the potential $q$ is zero under Neumann boundary conditions and give simple and explicit criteria, solely in terms of the coefficient functions, to assess whether various properties of the regular case apply. Specifically, these properties are discreteness of the spectrum (BD), self-adjointness, oscillation ($i$th solution has $i$ zeros) and that the $i$th eigenvalue equals the SFA delta value (the total energy) of the $i$th solution. We further prove that stationary points of each solution strictly interlace with its zeros (in singular or regular case, regardless of the boundary condition, for zero potential or if $q < \lambda w$ everywhere). If $\frac{r}{w}$ is bounded and of bounded variation, the criterion simplifies to requiring $\frac{|w'|}{w} \to \infty$ at singular boundary points. This research is motivated by Slow Feature Analysis (SFA), a data processing algorithm that extracts the slowest uncorrelated signals from a high-dimensional input signal and has notable success in computer vision, computational neuroscience and blind source separation. From [Sprekeler et al., 2014] it is known that for an important class of scenarios (statistically independent input), an analytic formulation of SFA reduces to a Sturm-Liouville problem with zero potential and Neumann boundary conditions. So far, the mathematical SFA theory has only considered the regular case, except for a special case that is solved by Hermite Polynomials. This work generalizes SFA theory to the singular case, i.e. open-space scenarios.
翻译:Sturm- Liouville 问题 (=lambda wy = (ry') ) 。 如果其域域未受约束, 或如果美元或美元在边界线上消失, 则2014年的Sturm- Liouville 问题为奇数 。 现有的标准通常很难应用, 例如, 因为它们是以解决方案函数的公式来表达的。 我们研究一个特殊案例, 内尔曼边界条件下的潜在美元为零, 并且仅仅以系数函数来简单和明确的标准来评估常规案件的各种属性。 具体地说, 这些特性是频谱的离散性( BD) 、 自我连接性、 振动性( 美元) 解决方案的美元值等值等值, 美元解决方案的总能量值等于美元。 我们还进一步证明, 每种解决方案的固定点与其零点( 在非特别或正常情况下), 不管是特殊或正常的, IMFI 、 直径端的S- dreal- dreal or or or oral oral orizal exisal exism 。