Ranking algorithms are being widely employed in various online hiring platforms including LinkedIn, TaskRabbit, and Fiverr. Prior research has demonstrated that ranking algorithms employed by these platforms are prone to a variety of undesirable biases, leading to the proposal of fair ranking algorithms (e.g., Det-Greedy) which increase exposure of underrepresented candidates. However, there is little to no work that explores whether fair ranking algorithms actually improve real world outcomes (e.g., hiring decisions) for underrepresented groups. Furthermore, there is no clear understanding as to how other factors (e.g., job context, inherent biases of the employers) may impact the efficacy of fair ranking in practice. In this work, we analyze various sources of gender biases in online hiring platforms, including the job context and inherent biases of employers and establish how these factors interact with ranking algorithms to affect hiring decisions. To the best of our knowledge, this work makes the first attempt at studying the interplay between the aforementioned factors in the context of online hiring. We carry out a largescale user study simulating online hiring scenarios with data from TaskRabbit, a popular online freelancing site. Our results demonstrate that while fair ranking algorithms generally improve the selection rates of underrepresented minorities, their effectiveness relies heavily on the job contexts and candidate profiles.
翻译:在包括LinkedIn、TattleRabbit和Fiverr在内的各种在线招聘平台中,正在广泛采用排名算法。先前的研究显示,这些平台使用的排名算法容易产生各种不可取的偏差,导致提出公平排序算法(例如Det-Greedy),增加任职人数不足的候选人的接触机会。然而,对于公平排序算法是否真正改善代表人数不足的群体的真实世界结果(例如征聘决定),几乎没有甚至没有做任何研究。此外,对于其他因素(例如工作背景、雇主固有的偏见)如何影响公平排名在实践中的功效,我们没有明确的了解。在这项工作中,我们分析了在线招聘平台中各种性别偏见的来源,包括工作环境和雇主的固有偏见,并确定这些因素与排名算法的相互作用如何影响招聘决定。根据我们的知识,这项工作首次试图研究在线招聘中上述因素之间的相互作用。我们进行了大规模用户研究,用Tlebbbbbit的数据模拟在线招聘的情景,用Table Rabbbbit,用户的内在偏见影响公平级别数据模拟在线招聘情况,同时大幅衡量候选人的公开比例。