The computation of feedback control using Dynamic Programming equation is a difficult task due the curse of dimensionality. The tree structure algorithm is one the methods introduced recently that mitigate this problem. The method computes the value function avoiding the construction of a space grid and the need for interpolation techniques using a discrete set of controls. However, the computation of the control is strictly linked to control set chosen in the computation of the tree. Here, we extend and complete the method selecting a finer control set in the computation of the feedback. This requires to use an interpolation method for scattered data which allows us to reconstruct the value function for nodes not belonging to the tree. The effectiveness of the method is shown via a numerical example.
翻译:使用动态编程等式计算反馈控制是一个困难的任务, 原因是维度的诅咒。 树结构算法是最近推出的缓解这一问题的方法之一。 该方法计算了避免构建空间网格的价值函数, 并需要使用离散的控件进行内插。 然而, 控件的计算与在计算树中选择的控件严格挂钩。 在此, 我们扩展并完成在计算反馈时选择精细控制的方法 。 这要求对分散的数据使用内插法, 从而可以重建不属于树的节点的值函数。 该方法的有效性通过数字示例显示 。