During locomotion, legged robots interact with the ground by sequentially establishing and breaking contact. The interaction wrenches that arise from contact are used to steer the robot Center of Mass (CoM) and reject perturbations that make the system deviate from the desired trajectory and often make them fall. The feasibility of a given control target (desired CoM wrench or acceleration) is conditioned by the contact point distribution, ground friction, and actuation limits. In this work, we develop a method to compute the set of feasible wrenches that a legged robot can exert on its CoM through contact. The presented method can be used with any amount of non-co-planar contacts and takes into account actuation limits and limitations based on an inelastic contact model with Coulomb friction. This is exemplified with a planar biped model standing with the feet at different heights. Exploiting assumptions from the contact model, we explain how to compute the set of wrenches that are feasible on the CoM when the contacts remain in position as well as the ones that are feasible when some of the contacts are broken. Therefore, this method can be used to assess whether a switch in contact configuration is feasible while achieving a given control task. Furthermore, the method can be used to identify the directions in which the system is not actuated (i.e. a wrench cannot be exerted in those directions). We show how having a joint be actuated or passive can change the non-actuated wrench directions of a robot at a given pose using a spatial model of a lower-extremity exoskeleton. Therefore, this method is also a useful tool for the design phase of the system. This work presents a useful tool for the control and design of legged systems that extends on the current state of the art.
翻译:移动期间, 腿部机器人与地面互动, 依次建立和断开接触。 接触产生的交互扳手用于引导机器人质量中心( COM), 并拒绝使系统偏离预期轨迹并经常使其跌落的扰动。 特定控制目标( 需要的 CoM 扳手或加速) 的可行性取决于接触点分布、 地面摩擦和动作限制 。 在此工作中, 我们开发了一种方法, 用于计算一组可操作的固定扳手, 使脚部机器人能够通过接触在 CoM 上应用。 所提出的方法可以用任何数量的非双向机械接触来使用, 并用任何不弹性接触模式来计算动作限制和限制, 使系统与 Coulomb 摩擦后, 并用一个平滑动的模型与脚部站在一起。 利用接触模型的假设, 我们解释如何将一组有用的扳手法在 COM 上进行计算, 当某些接触中断时, 以及当某些不可行的接触时, 使用不易操作的方法可以使用。 因此, 将使用一个操作式设计工具来显示一个可操作的配置。 。 。 在操作中, 操作中, 将使用该方法可以显示一个配置中, 将显示一个操作 。 。 将使用一个操作 。 。 将使用一个操作 将使用一个操作 。 。 将使用一个操作 。 将使用一个操作 。 。 。 在操作 工具 。 将 。