Gaze Target Detection (GTD), i.e., determining where a person is looking within a scene from an external viewpoint, is a challenging task, particularly in 3D space. Existing approaches heavily rely on analyzing the person's appearance, primarily focusing on their face to predict the gaze target. This paper presents a novel approach to tackle this problem by utilizing the person's upper-body pose and available depth maps to extract a 3D gaze direction and employing a multi-stage or an end-to-end pipeline to predict the gazed target. When predicted accurately, the human body pose can provide valuable information about the head pose, which is a good approximation of the gaze direction, as well as the position of the arms and hands, which are linked to the activity the person is performing and the objects they are likely focusing on. Consequently, in addition to performing gaze estimation in 3D, we are also able to perform GTD simultaneously. We demonstrate state-of-the-art results on the most comprehensive publicly accessible 3D gaze target detection dataset without requiring images of the person's face, thus promoting privacy preservation in various application contexts. The code is available at