Everyday thousands of meteoroids enter the Earth's atmosphere. The vast majority burn up harmlessly during the descent, but the larger objects survive, occasionally experiencing intense fragmentation events, and reach the ground. These events can pose a threat for a village or a small city; therefore, models of asteroid fragmentation, along with accurate post-breakup trajectory and strewn field estimation, are needed to enable a reliable risk assessment. In this work, a methodology to describe meteoroids entry, fragmentation, descent, and strewn field is presented by means of a continuum approach. At breakup, a modified version of the NASA Standard Breakup Model is used to generate the distribution of the fragments in terms of their area-to-mass ratio and ejection velocity. This distribution, combined with the meteoroid state, is directly propagated using the continuity equation coupled with the non-linear entry dynamics. At each time step, the probability density evolution of the fragments is reconstructed using GMM interpolation. Using this information is then possible to estimate the meteoroid's ground impact probability. This approach departs from the current state-of-the-art models: it has the flexibility to include large fragmentation events while maintaining a continuum formulation for a better physical representation of the phenomenon. The methodology is also characterised by a modular structure, so that updated asteroids fragmentation models can be readily integrated into the framework, allowing a continuously improving prediction of re-entry and fragmentation events. The propagation of the fragments' density and its reconstruction, currently considering only one fragmentation point, is first compared against Monte Carlo simulations, and then against real observations. Both deceleration due to atmospheric drag and ablation due to aerothermodynamics effects have been considered.
翻译:每天有数千个流星体进入地球大气层。 绝大多数流星体在下降期间无害地燃烧, 但更大的天体在下降期间存活下来, 有时会发生严重的碎裂事件, 并且到达地面。 这些事件可能会对一个村庄或小城市造成威胁; 因此, 需要小行星碎裂模型, 加上准确的碎裂后的轨迹和堆积的实地估计, 才能进行可靠的风险评估。 在这项工作中, 一种描述流星体进入、 碎裂、 下降和堆积场的方法 是通过连续方法提供的。 在解体时, 美国航天局标准碎裂模型的修改版本被使用来生成碎片的分布, 偶尔会发生强烈的碎裂事件, 以地区对质量和弹射速度的速度计算碎片的分布。 这种分布,加上流星体状态的精确分布, 再加上非线状进入的进化动态。 在每一步步中, 利用GMM 内部的测算来对碎裂的概率变化进行重建。 然后, 利用这一信息来估计流星体撞击的撞击概率概率。 这个方法, 不同于目前的重建点的精确点的精确度, 与目前的精确度观测, 和精确度观察过程的模型, 也是一种更大的结构结构结构, 。 它是一个更精确的模型, 一种不断的模型, 。 一种不断的模型, 。