Driven by the proliferation of real-world application scenarios and scales, time series anomaly detection (TSAD) has attracted considerable scholarly and industrial interest. However, existing algorithms exhibit a gap in terms of training paradigm, online detection paradigm, and evaluation criteria when compared to the actual needs of real-world industrial systems. Firstly, current algorithms typically train a specific model for each individual time series. In a large-scale online system with tens of thousands of curves, maintaining such a multitude of models is impractical. The performance of using merely one single unified model to detect anomalies remains unknown. Secondly, most TSAD models are trained on the historical part of a time series and are tested on its future segment. In distributed systems, however, there are frequent system deployments and upgrades, with new, previously unseen time series emerging daily. The performance of testing newly incoming unseen time series on current TSAD algorithms remains unknown. Lastly, although some papers have conducted detailed surveys, the absence of an online evaluation platform prevents answering questions like "Who is the best at anomaly detection at the current stage?" In this paper, we propose TimeSeriesBench, an industrial-grade benchmark that we continuously maintain as a leaderboard. On this leaderboard, we assess the performance of existing algorithms across more than 168 evaluation settings combining different training and testing paradigms, evaluation metrics and datasets. Through our comprehensive analysis of the results, we provide recommendations for the future design of anomaly detection algorithms. To address known issues with existing public datasets, we release an industrial dataset to the public together with TimeSeriesBench. All code, data, and the online leaderboard have been made publicly available.