A fundamental fact about bounded-degree graph expanders is that three notions of expansion -- vertex expansion, edge expansion, and spectral expansion -- are all equivalent. In this paper, we study to what extent such a statement is true for linear-algebraic notions of expansion. There are two well-studied notions of linear-algebraic expansion, namely dimension expansion (defined in analogy to graph vertex expansion) and quantum expansion (defined in analogy to graph spectral expansion). Lubotzky and Zelmanov proved that the latter implies the former. We prove that the converse is false: there are dimension expanders which are not quantum expanders. Moreover, this asymmetry is explained by the fact that there are two distinct linear-algebraic analogues of graph edge expansion. The first of these is quantum edge expansion, which was introduced by Hastings, and which he proved to be equivalent to quantum expansion. We introduce a new notion, termed dimension edge expansion, which we prove is equivalent to dimension expansion and which is implied by quantum edge expansion. Thus, the separation above is implied by a finer one: dimension edge expansion is strictly weaker than quantum edge expansion. This new notion also leads to a new, more modular proof of the Lubotzky--Zelmanov result that quantum expanders are dimension expanders.
翻译:有关封闭度图形扩展器的一个基本事实是,扩展的三个概念 -- -- 顶点扩张、边缘扩张和光谱扩张 -- -- 都相等。在本文中,我们研究了线性升位扩张概念的准确程度。线性升位扩张有两个得到很好研究的概念,即线性升位扩展(以图面扩张为类比)和量子扩张(以图面扩张为类比),Lubotzky和Zelmanov证明后者意味着前者。我们证明反面是假的:有些尺寸扩张器不是量子扩张器。此外,这种不对称的原因是,有两种不同的线性升位扩展模拟的图形边缘扩张。第一种是量子边缘扩张(以图面扩张为类比)和量子扩张(以图面扩张为类比),我们引入了一个新的概念,称为尺寸边缘扩张,我们证明这与尺寸扩张相当,而量子边缘扩张是隐含的。因此,上面的分离是精细的一:尺寸边缘扩张的扩展也是一种绝对性扩展,而这种扩展的扩展的基度是比量级扩展的极限的扩展结果。