We extend classical methods of computational complexity to the setting of distributed computing, where they are sometimes more effective than in their original context. Our focus is on distributed decision in the LOCAL model, where multiple networked computers communicate via synchronous message-passing to collectively answer a question about their network topology. Rather unusually, we impose two orthogonal constraints on the running time of this model: the number of communication rounds is bounded by a constant, and the number of computation steps of each computer is polynomially bounded by the size of its local input and the messages it receives. By letting two players take turns assigning certificates to all computers in the network, we obtain a generalization of the polynomial hierarchy (and hence of the complexity classes $\mathbf{P}$ and $\mathbf{NP}$). We then extend some key results of complexity theory to this setting, in particular the Cook-Levin theorem (which identifies Boolean satisfiability as a complete problem for $\mathbf{NP}$), and Fagin's theorem (which characterizes $\mathbf{NP}$ as the problems expressible in existential second-order logic). The original results can be recovered as the special case where the network consists of a single computer. But perhaps more surprisingly, the task of separating complexity classes becomes easier in the general case: we can show that our hierarchy is infinite, while it remains notoriously open whether the same is true in the case of a single computer. (By contrast, a collapse of our hierarchy would have implied a collapse of the polynomial hierarchy.) As an application, we propose quantifier alternation as a new approach to measuring the locality of problems in distributed computing.