The growth in the number of low-cost narrow band radios such as Bluetooth low energy (BLE) enabled applications such as asset tracking, human behavior monitoring, and keyless entry. The accurate range estimation is a must in such applications. Phase-based ranging has recently gained momentum due to its high accuracy in multipath environment compared to traditional schemes such as ranging based on received signal strength. The phase-based ranging requires tone exchange on multiple frequencies on a uniformly sampled frequency grid. Such tone exchange may not be possible due to some missing tones, e.g., reserved advertisement channels. Furthermore, the IQ values at a given tone may be distorted by interference. In this paper, we proposed two phase-based ranging schemes which deal with the missing/interfered tones. We compare the performance and complexity of the proposed schemes using simulations, complexity analysis, and measurement setups. In particular, we show that for small number of missing/interfered tones, the proposed system based on employing a trained neural network (NN) performs very close to a reference ranging system where there is no missing/interference tones. Interestingly, this high performance is at the cost of negligible additional computational complexity and up to 60.5 Kbytes of additional required memory compared to the reference system, making it an attractive solution for ranging using hardware-limited radios such as BLE.
翻译:随着低成本窄带电台数量的增加,例如基于蓝牙低功耗技术(BLE)的应用,如资产跟踪、人类行为监测和无钥匙进入等应用,精确的距离估计变得越来越重要。相对于基于接收信号强度的传统方案,基于相位的测距方案由于在多路径环境下具有更高的准确性而近年来受到了越来越多的关注。相位测距需要在均匀取样的频率格点上进行多个频率上的音调交换。但是由于一些丢失的音调(例如保留的广告信道),这种音调交换可能是不可能的。此外,在给定音调上的IQ值可能会被干扰所扭曲。在本文中,我们提出了两种处理丢失/干扰音的基于相位的测距方案。我们使用模拟、复杂度分析和测量设置来比较所提出的方案的性能和复杂度。特别地,我们展示了对于少量的丢失/干扰音,所采用的基于经过训练的神经网络(NN)的系统性能非常接近于一个参考测距系统,其中没有任何丢失/干扰音。有趣的是,与参考系统相比,这种高性能仅以微不足道的额外计算复杂度和最多60.5 K字节的额外存储器要求为代价,使其成为一种适用于使用受硬件限制的电台(如BLE)进行测距的具有吸引力的解决方案。