项目名称: 非相干衍射成像及位相恢复研究
项目编号: No.60877009
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2009
项目学科: 金属学与金属工艺
项目作者: 魏青
作者单位: 中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所
项目金额: 31万元
中文摘要: 量子成像是近十年来出现的一个新的研究领域,前一阶段主要利用非经典的纠缠光源开展量子成像及衍射方面的研究工作,随着此项研究工作的不断深入,目前的研究热点已经转变为利用经典热光源作为成像光源开展相关研究,其主要原因是基于经典热光源的量子成像技术在X射线衍射成像、亚波长光刻等方面有着非常重要的应用价值。 本项研究是利用热光场的统计模型并结合矩阵光学传输等方法,完成经典量子成像的数值模拟,实现对具有复透过率函数的物体量子强度关联成像的数值计算,模拟研究包括光源性质和成像系统各参数对成像过程及成像结果的影响,并利用脉冲式赝热光作为光源的量子强度关联成像实验装置对数值模拟得到的成像结果进行实验验证。希望通过这种理论和实验相结合的方法,探索出能够对二维复振幅透射函数的物体实现高分辨的衍射成像方法及位相恢复算法,为量子强度关联成像在X射线衍射成像中的实际应用打下重要的基础。
中文关键词: 量子成像;强度关联;位相恢复;赝热光源;统计光学
英文摘要: Ghost imaging, so called intensity correlated imaging, featured to obtain the diffraction patterns by incoherent light, has some potential application in X-ray diffraction imaging, neutron diffraction imaging and sub-wavelength lithograph. The main research works of this project including: 1.Numberical simulation of intensity corelated imaging of two-dimensional complex objects by using of a method that combined the statastical optics and diffrational optics. The purpose of mumberical simulation is to analyse the relation between the ghost imaging system parameters (including light resouce, optical frame and detector) and imaging quality and resolution. 2.Intensity correlated imaging experimental reasearch of two dimensional complex objects by a new constucted imaging system and the fourier transform of squared object function and object function will be obtained by joint detection. 3.Imaging reconstruction will be achieved by a new two-step phase retrieval procedure and the intensity and phase fuction of the complex object will be recovered exactly. Theoretic and experimental results of this project will be a high priced reference in the X-ray incoherent diffriction imgaing experimental reaserch in future.
英文关键词: Ghost imaging; Intensity correlation;Phase retrieval; pseudothermal light;statistical optics